A Little Bird Told Me...
You may remember one of my very first posts here, about a special chubby green bird that brought me much inspiration…hard to believe that was nearly a year ago. Shortly after I posted that story, my little birdie was broken into a million pieces and while my husband and I tried to salvage it, eventually I had to throw it away. I am not one to attach myself to trinkets, but this one was special and it was hard to say goodbye.
Once the bird was gone, I chose to think of my loss as a lesson in 'letting go'. Even when you may not feel inspired or have your lucky charm, you can still persist and keep going.
I have been reminded of this lesson recently, and brings me to the fact that I have been absent from my blog for nearly seven months. I have to say I swore to myself I would never start something and not keep it going without some explanation…so here is mine.
I found out in mid summer that I was pregnant. While at the time I planned on keeping the blog going, I later found myself going through several different life/career changes and became un-inspired, particularly about writing about wine. As you can imagine being pregnant in the wine business can be tortuous, and further, your taste buds, particularly in those first months, are all over the place so talking about wine just felt so fake.
I am now on the verge of having my second baby, and am feeling motivated to start my blog again. Now, back to the little birdie…I received a very special Christmas gift from my little sister, a new set of birds (pictured above) who nest safely on my dresser. I wake up every morning and look over at them, recalling my original story, what those words meant to me, and drawing new inspiration. I wish to continue moving forward in a positive direction, and to always respect what I love. I am so grateful to my little sister for helping me remember this, and look forward to this new chapter. Cheers to being reunited with wine and starting fresh!
- Lisa